The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Text File
417 lines
This is the help file for TAPCIS Version 5.3 published by Support Group, Inc.
Copyright (c) 1988-1990, Support Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
For more information call 800-USA-GROUP or contact CompuServe account
74020,10. Thank you, and we hope you enjoy using TAPCIS.
{main menu}
O -- Go online and handle any pending action created offline
N -- Handle pending O> actions and REAd/SCAn new messages online
A -- Additional online commands and personalized scripts
R or ^O -- Read messages to you marked by CompuServe (REA WAI)
I -- Go online as a terminal -- no automatic action
L -- Search a library based on file name, keyword, or age
W -- Create a new message offline for subsequent uploading
1-8 -- Read messages offline [!] [Forums 9-15: Shft-F2 - Shft-F8]
M -- Scan and mark headers offline [^]
Ctrl-F1 -- Shell to DOS EXIT to return; Shft F1 -- Execute program
P -- Go to the Parameters menu to set TAPCIS options and settings
Alt-F -- Switch forums and parameters (alternate PARAMS.* files)
F -- Go to the Forum menu to select, de-select or specify Forums
E -- Edit a TAPCIS file; K -- Delete a file
C -- View a catalog created previously with the L command
V -- View messages saved previously with the S command
$ -- Review current or previous months time and charges (STATS.EXE)
* -- Send form feed to printer
F1/F7 -- Exit to DOS -- end program [ also ESC ]
Alt-J -- Join Forum, set parameters, create SEC files
Alt-N -- Execute FRONTEND.SCR followed by N>
Alt-P -- Parameters: Set CIS options (PARAMS.SCR must be present)
Alt-M -- Edit the Editor or Online macros (MACROS.CIS)
{reading messages offline}
<Space> -- Next message [also, any unassigned key ]
up,dn,l,r -- Move to previous/next msg (up,dn) or Forum (<- ->)
DEL -- Delete (if to or from you!)
Bksp -- Top of thread
1,2,3,9 -- 1: first msg 2: next session 3: final session 9: last msg
F1 -- Return to main menu
Ctrl-F1 -- Shell to DOS; Sh-F1 -- Execute a DOS command
F2 -- Find search word(s). Prompts for the string (also F)
Alt-F3 -- Numeric keypad commands
F7 -- Quit. Go to main menu. [ also ESC ]
Shft-F7 -- Print original message on printer (* print, no page eject)
F10 -- Save this message to a file (or use S for <forum>.SAV)
Tab -- Forward to anyone via CompuServe Mail
A -- Add sender or recipient to address book (USERID.CIS)
B -- View previous screen or message
C -- (Change) Reply on a different Forum
J -- Jump to any message. Prompts for TAPCIS message number
N -- (Next) Find next occurrence of search string
R -- Reply to this message
U -- Send msg to person in the From: field / Change subject
T -- Send message to the person in the To: field.
W -- Write a message on this Forum to anyone, any topic
X -- Skip thread
{online on CompuServe}
NOTE: You are still online and charges are accumulating.
Anything you type will be passed through to CompuServe
ESC -- Remain online at end of session
Alt-H -- Panic abort
Alt-Q -- During B-Protocol transfers, tells TAPCIS to logoff after
transfer is complete. If not transferring, sends BYE.
Alt-L -- Display the scrollback buffer
Ctrl-F1 -- Shell to DOS
Ctrl-P -- Halt input and request the next system prompt
Ctrl-C -- Go to terminal mode; cancel script; get system prompt
Ctrl-X -- Toggle COnference mode
Ctrl-S -- Halt transmission
Ctrl-Q -- Restart transmission
PgUp -- Initiate capture upload (files with .SCR extension are scripts)
PgDn -- Initiate or end capture download
Protocol uploads and downloads
UPL [ or DOW ] filnam.ext/PROTO:B/TYP:BIN [ or TYP:ASCII ]
{writing/replying to messages}
The commands below reflect WordPerfect for the most part. Wordstar
commands are also enabled.
Cursors, Home, End, PgUp, PgDn work as expected
Commands in parentheses work with SuperKey only
Ins -- Toggle insert/overwrite
Del -- Delete character at cursor
Bksp -- Destructive backspace
Ctrl-End -- Delete from cursor to end of line
Ctrl-Bksp -- Delete word
Ctrl-PgUp -- Top of message
Ctrl-PgDn -- End of message
Ctrl-F1 -- Shell to DOS
F3 -- SEND help
Ctrl-F3 -- Reformat from cursor to end of paragraph (also Ctrl-B)
Alt-F10 -- Transpose chars (numeric keypad 5)
Ctrl-Y -- Delete line
Ctrl-K and: [ Note: all block commands are line-oriented ]
B -- Mark Begin block
K -- Mark End block
C -- Copy marked block
V -- Move marked block
Y -- Delete marked block
{Writing/replying to messages}
F1 -- Cancel. Discard this text.
Ctrl-F1 -- Shell to DOS
F2 -- Search any other file (with optional import)
To view entire file, <space> <Enter> at prompt
Search Menu: <enter> Find next hit
A-T Import this line / Z Import screen
PgDn Scroll down / PgUp Top of file
F1 Return to message
Alt-F3 -- Edit help
F5 -- Scroll original message up
F6 -- Scroll original message down
F7 -- Send message or abort (Save file, if editing)
Shft-F7 -- Send message (Save file, if editing) and print reply
F10 -- Send message, Save reply to FORUMNAM.SAV
Send Menu: 1 Reformats to recipient's computer
2 Private (surcharged return receipt in Mail)
3 No reformatting (use for tables, lists, etc.)
4 Send CompuServe Mail
0 Continue with reply
X Abort, cancel reply
Sh-F10 -- Retrieve any other file (in toto) into this message
/split -- On a line by itself just before sending message causes the
_next_ message you write to be sent as a reply to this one
{P>arameters menu}
C Set communications port to COM1, 2, 3 or 4 [ toggle ]
I Command string for activating modem and dialing
O 1 or 4 characters that indicate the modem has connected
use NONE (in CAPS) for TAPCIS to skip the conline report check.
F String indicating failure to connect (or HAYS). 1 or 4 characters.
R Command string for deactivating modem (e.g., ?2+++?2ATH0^M)
T Enter new telephone numbers 1 through 6. Use ;comments if you like.
after number: ! = Tymnet . = Sprintnet : = LATA _ = user script
_SCRIPT uses a specific script (e.g., 5551212_CSC;Use CSC.SCR)
1-6 Select phone number for next session (indicated by asterisk)
U Enter Compuserve User ID
P Enter Password. * as a password prevents it from being stored
S Specify path for message downloads (optional)
D Specify path for new file downloads (optional)
L Maintain monthly time and charge log files and or file transfers
M Select color preferences for display
A Append new messages to existing file / overwrite
K Append outgoing messages and / or mail to FORUMNAM.SAV
N Change name used to register on new Forums
F1/F7/<ESC>/<Enter> Save parameters; Return to main menu
{SIG selection menu}
Ctrl-F1 Shell to DOS. Enter EXIT to return.
F2 -- Add a new Forum.
o Prompts for sections (optional)
o Sections must be separated by spaces, e.g. 2 3 9 11 16
o Prompts for Q (headers), R (Read all), or M (Read marked only)
F4 -- Delete a Forum permanently. Prompts for letter
F5 -- Move a Forum (actually swap). Prompts for "from" and "to"
F6 -- Deselect all selected Forums; Select all unselected
F8 -- Edit Q/R/M options and selected sections
F9 -- Make all Forums selected [ also available from main menu ]
F10 -- Deselect all Forums [ also available from main menu ]
Section prompt: 2 4 6 8 : selects those sections; overrides CIS settings
X : as a section suppresses High Msg Number reset.
<Enter> : defaults to CIS settings.
All : overrides CIS setting; selects all sections
Q/R/M prompt: Q headers; R all new msgs; M new msgs addressed to user
Press "-" first if you have SysOp privileges on this Forum
F7 <ESC> Return to main menu
Letters A-T: Toggle selected [*] / deselected on specific Forums
{Reading messages offline}
Numeric Keypad Help
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
| | | | |
| <Home> | <Up> | <PgUp> | * |
| | | | | NOTE:
| First Msg | Back | Back | Print | <5> key
|____________|____________|____________|____________| requires
| | | | | SuperKey
| <- | <5> | -> | [Gray -] | to work
| | | | | properly
| Prev Forum | Next Thd | Next Forum | Delete |
| | | | |
| <End> | <Dn> | <PgDn> | [Gray +] |
| | | | |
| Final Msg | Next Msg | Next Msg | Save |
|____________|____________|____________| |
| |
R -- Reply X -- Next Thread |____________|
{Trapped error}
Either TAPCIS or you made a mistake that resulted in an
inability to continue the program. The error message may
help you track it down. If not, would you please make a
note of the error number, type, PC, and memory and version,
and leave a message about it in Section 4 of the TAPCIS Forum.
Including a brief description of what you were doing
just before you received this message would help as
well. Thanks much.
Pressing any key now will display the error message.
Some data may have been lost, so you may wish to exit or
Shell to DOS to check files before proceeding with TAPCIS
after the message is displayed.
{additional action menu}
R -- Go online and read only new messages sent to you
L -- Read new messages on this Forum addressed to ALL
T -- Read ALL messages on this Forum (old and new) addressed To you
B -- Read ALL messages on this Forum (old and new) sent By you
Z -- Go online and delete all (P)rivate message from or to you
if they have already been read
U -- Create an online script. The command becomes part of a
FORUMNAM.ADV file and must be one that CompuServe recognizes
as well as one that will cause CIS to end its output with
a Forum ! prompt. Valid commands include:
OPT;NAME;Your Name;P {change your name in a forum}
HIGH;12345 {reset high message number to 12345}
HIGH;L {reset high message number to the last}
REA FRO:JOAN STA:0 {read all messages from Joan}
REA TO:MARILYN STA:0 {read all messages to Marilyn}
REA NEW SUB:TAPCIS {read only new messages about TAPCIS}
REA THR NUM:12345 {read the thread beginning with #12345}
REA NUM:12345 {read message number #12345}
ANN;1;2;T {news flash and general announcements}
WARNING: Please do not use this function for navigation between Forums
or if you are not certain of the appropriate command.
{Creating batch DOWnload script offline}
CATalog commands are similar to the commands for messages.
F7 <Esc> -- Quit
D -- Mark this program or file for a B Protocol download
B -- or up cursor -- previous file
1 -- First file
2 -- Top of next library
9 -- Last file
F -- Case insensitive search on keywords and DES contents
N -- Next hit from F> search
<sp> -- Next file
Ctrl-F1 -- Shell to DOS; Sh-F1 -- Execute a DOS command
If files are selected, a triangle appears next to the number of
the Forum. O> or N> at the main menu will perform a batch download.
{$ menu}
C -- Revise the current rates. If selected, enter the new
rates as 00.00 without a leading "$".
<Enter> leaves any individual rate unchanged
P -- Copy the report to the printer (Printer on?)
S -- Display to the screen only
When you see "Ready to calculate LOGMM-YY.TAP" :
Y -- Calculate for the current month
N -- Calculate another month. You'll be prompted
to enter the month in the format, MM-YY <Enter>.
Any other response returns you to the main menu.
Note: L>og on the P>arameters menu must be set to "Y" for
TAPCIS to track monthly charges. On the first logon of
each month, a new file, LOGMM-YY.CIS will be started.
{Macros help}
Macros can be assigned letters A-T. The only special character allowed is
the | character which is translated to <enter> when passed to CIS or
to the editor.
{New user screen}
TAPCIS(tm) Copyright (c) 1990 OMNI Information Resources, Inc.
Copyright (c) 1990 Support Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
GREETINGS. Welcome to TAPCIS, a program that will automate your use of
CompuServe, saving you time and money.
This is an unregistered copy of TAPCIS
Use of this program after a 21-day evaluation period brings with it an
obligation to purchase it. Details are in the documentation. Site
licenses and custom-tailored versions are available.
This program is copyrighted and may not be altered in any way without
express written permission from the publisher:
Support Group, Inc., Lake Technology Park, McHenry, MD 21541
This message will continue to display until you have registered TAPCIS.
MC, VISA and AmEx orders may be made by calling 1-800-USA-GROUP or
301-387-4500. To register it immediately and receive the latest version
with printed documentation, press "Y" now. TAPCIS will generate an order
which will be sent if you access CompuServe prior to returning to DOS.
{second screen of registration request}
IMPORTANT: if you have not set-up TAPCIS with Alt-P so that you
can send and receive CompuServe Mail messages, press NO now. Once you
have MAIL working you can complete this online registration.
TAPCIS will now request billing information. This information will go
into a temporary file, TAPORDER.SND, to generate an order which will be
sent by CompuServe Mail. Once the file is sent, the information
provided will be deleted. Orders are processed by the Support Group, Inc.
Lake Technology Park, McHenry, MD 21541, 1-800-USA-GROUP. If you would
prefer, you can register through the 800 number with VISA, MasterCard,
or American Express. Outside the U.S. call 301-387-4500, fax 301-387-7322.
If you order on line, a temporary Registration Number will be issued. It
will be displayed on the main menu. Support Group will provide you
with a permanent registration number and easy directions for entering it
into TAPCIS.
If you do not access CompuServe with MAIL as a selected Forum before
returning to DOS, your order will not be sent.
Thank you for registering TAPCIS.
{Stats not found}
TAPCIS could not find the external STATS module. Please check your TAPCIS
directory for the file STATS.EXE which is required for the $ accounting
function to work properly.
{Temporary Registration Number}
TAPCIS has generated a temporary registration number for you. Within a
few days you should receive acknowledgement of your order, and within
a week after that you should receive your registered copy in the mail.
When you receive that copy, you should follow the directions in the
manual under the section "Recording the Registration" to record your
permanent registration number. You need not install any of the files
from the program disk sent to you if the version numbers are identical,
but you will need the program disk since the number on it is your
registration number. Be sure to send a message to *SYSOP in the TAPCIS
Forum with your permanent number so that we can give you access to
private section & library 9.
If by chance you do not receive an acknowledgement or the package from
us, or you registered some time ago but never received the software,
please contact Support Group, Inc., at 74020,10 through CompuServe
Mail, or toll free at 800-USA-GROUP, or 301-387-4500. Our fax
number is 301-387-7322.
Once you record your permanent registration number, you'll no longer
get this message.
TAPCIS has created a file called TAPORDER.SND in the TAPCIS directory.
It needs to send this information to Support Group, Inc., in order
for your temporary registration to be recorded and for SGI to send you
the registered manual and disks.
TAPCIS assumes at this point that you have already set your CompuServe
parameters using Alt-P and you can send and receive CompuServe Mail
messages. IF THIS IS NOT TRUE, exit TAPCIS and delete the TAPORDER.SND
file. Get TAPCIS working with Mail, and then re-enter the registration
information. Online registration will not work otherwise.
To send the registration, make sure MAIL is active in the <F>orums box
and press <O>nline. TAPCIS will send your credit card information to
74020,10. You can follow-up with that account, or contact us at
800-USA-GROUP or 301-387-4500 from 9-5 eastern time.